The school year has started and the beginning of the year excitement may be turning into beginning of the year burnout for many educators. Educators experience burnout faster than almost any other profession. According to Dr. Tina Boogren , "Teachers make more minute by minute decisions than brain surgeons...and that is why you're going home so exhausted each day."
We constantly take care of others, and leave little, if any time for ourselves. There is a reason flight attendants preach to secure your own oxygen masks before assisting others. Perhaps you need a parachute instead of an oxygen mask. Maybe there is a situation that you need out of. Give yourself permission to say "no' without guilt. What good are you to your students, families, and colleagues if you are burnt out before December hits? If you don't rest, or eat on your break, it won't matter if you have the best lesson in the world planned, your students aren't getting the best of you!
Below is a self-care calendar for October. Take some ideas from it and focus on things that make you feel good. Take time to re-charge your batteries. Focus on lifting others around you up, and you will be surprised at how much better you will feel. A positive environment will do wonders for the soul.
Self care does not happen in a vacuum. Find those that you can lean on for support, and be a support to those around you. Find others at your school that could use some self care and start a walking group after school. Go out for dinner on Friday nights with a friend. Call up a co-worker to vent when you need to. We are all in this together!
Additional Resources:
- Tina Boogren's Facebook page: Self Care for Educator's
- Taking Care of Yourself: Resources to Help with Teacher Self-Care
- 25 Tips to Reduce Teacher Burnout
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